Jane Pritchard

Jane Pritchard remembers her role as Rambert’s first archivist (1982-2005). After a brief time at the London Festival Ballet’s Archive, Jane Pritchard was invited by Rambert’s Executive Director Prue Skene to establish an archive for the Company. In this interview, Jane talks about the challenges she faced and tells us about collecting material and artefacts for the archive. Along the way, she met many people from Rambert’s history and here recalls some key figures from the early Company such as Diana Gould, Therese Langfield and Elisabeth Schooling. Jane talks about how the archive has developed over time and discusses the many ways in which an archive can be useful to a performing arts company.

00:08:10 John Webley
00:09:06 Richard Alston
00:13:00 Marie Rambert
00:19:30 Diana Gould
00:26:45 Lionel Bradley
00:28:59 Therese Langfield
00:39:10 ‘Dark Elegies’ (Tudor, 1937)

Interview recorded on 28 June 2017 at Rambert, London.
Interviewer: Claire Izzard; Filmmaker: Paul Izzard

The Rambert Voices oral history project is part of Rambert at 90, a project marking the company’s 90th anniversary, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.