Performance database

Producer: George Rylands
Set designer: Joan Jefferson Farjeon
Rambert premiere: 27 Dec 1943, Ballet Rambert, Arts Theatre Cambridge
Work note: This entertainment was billed as 'A Christmas Romance of Music, Dancing, Poetry and Fun', devised and compiled by George Rylands and produced by the Cambridge Arts Theatre Trust. Within the story, Ballet Rambert danced extracts from 'Soirée Musicale' (Tudor, 1938/1940), 'Carnaval' (Fokine, 1910/1930), 'Carnaval of the Animals' (Howard, 1943), and the Nocturne, Waltz, and Mazurka from 'Les Sylphides' (Foline, 1907/1930). Note: In the Performance Database, the performances are attached to the Work records for those ballets, not to this Work record (search for 'Toy Princess' to find the performance records).
Source: Programmes and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0130