Performance database

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Ernest Bloch
Set designer: Nadia Benois
Costume designer: Nadia Benois
World premiere: 7 Apr 1935, Ballet Club, Mercury Theatre, London
Production note: In the programme, Nadia Benois is credited as 'Costumes and Settings'.
Scene/role note: Four sections: Prelude, Dirge, Pastoral, Fugue
Music title: Concerto Grosso (1925)
Music details: Live music or recorded music: at the Mercury Theatre, a record was played on a gramophone; at other theatres, a string orchestra accompanied the ballet live.
Music note: The programme for the premiere states: 'Musical Installation for The Descent of Hebe by ''His Master's Voice''.'
Source: Programme and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0078


Date ↿↾ Programme ↿⇂ Venue ↿⇂
19 Nov 1948
The Descent of Hebe | Carnival of Animals | Winter Night* | The Nutcracker Suite His Majesty's Theatre, Melbourne, Australia
24 Oct 1937
The Descent of Hebe | Death and the Maiden | Pavane pour une Infante Défunte* | La Muse s'Amuse | Jardin aux Lilas Mercury Theatre, London
19 Feb 1937
The Descent of Hebe | Mephisto Waltz | Our Lady's Juggler | Le Cricket | Dark Elegies* | Bar aux Folies-Bergère Duchess Theatre, London
13 Jun 1936
Our Lady's Juggler | The Descent of Hebe | Valses Nobles et Sentimentales | Capriol Suite | Le Rugby Birmingham Repertory Theatre
12 Jun 1936
Our Lady's Juggler | The Descent of Hebe | Valses Nobles et Sentimentales | Capriol Suite | Le Rugby Birmingham Repertory Theatre
7 Apr 1935
La Valse Chez Madame Récamier | Le Cricket | The Lady of Shalott | The Descent of Hebe* | Bar aux Folies-Bergère Mercury Theatre, London