Performance Database

Choreographer: Walter Gore
Music arranger: Charles Mackerras
Set designer: Ronald Wilson
Costume designer: Ronald Wilson
Rambert premiere: 20 Jul 1961, Ballet Rambert, Sadler's Wells Theatre, London
World premiere: 25 Aug 1958, The Edinburgh International Ballet, Festival Theatre, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Work note: Subtitled 'A Ballet of Jealousy by Walter Gore'. Dedication: 'Dedicated to M.R.'
Production note: In the programme, Ronald Wilson is credited as 'costumes and scenery'.
Music details: Live music
Music note: Music by Bach selected by Walter Gore
Source: Programme and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0179


Date Programme Venue
20 Jul 1961
Czerny-ana | Night Shadow | Night and Silence* | Hazaña Sadler's Wells Theatre, London
25 Jul 1961
Laiderette | A Place in the Desert* | Night and Silence | Façade Sadler's Wells Theatre, London