Performance Database

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Franz Liszt
Set designer: Sophie Fedorovitch
Costume designer: Sophie Fedorovitch
World premiere: 13 Jun 1934, Ballet Club, Mercury Theatre, London
Work note: Based on a theme from Nikolaus Lenau's poem 'Faust', which was also the inspiration for the music.
Production note: In the programme, Sophie Fedorovitch is credited as 'costumes and scene'.
Music title: Mephisto Waltz No. 1, Der Tanz in der Dorfschenke (1859-1862)
Music details: Live music: piano
Source: Programme and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0072


Date ⇃⇂ Programme ↿⇂ Venue ↿⇂
13 Jun 1934
Mermaid | Mephisto Valse* | Bar aux Folies-Bergère Mercury Theatre, London
4 Feb 1935
Mephisto Waltz | Façade | Valentine's Eve* | The Planets | L'Après-midi d'un faune | Foyer de Danse Duke of York's Theatre, London
19 Feb 1937
The Descent of Hebe | Mephisto Waltz | Our Lady's Juggler | Le Cricket | Dark Elegies* | Bar aux Folies-Bergère Duchess Theatre, London
14 Nov 1937
The Planets | Pavane pour une Infante Défunte | Cross Gartered* | Mephisto Valse | La Muse s'Amuse Mercury Theatre, London
3 Oct 1940
Overture | Le Pas des Déesses* | Piano Interlude | Mephisto Valse The Arts Theatre Club, London
15 May 1941
Overture | Mephisto Valse | Interlude | Czerny 2* The Arts Theatre Club, London