Performance database

Choreographer: Michael Holmes
Producer: Carl Ebert
Lyricist: Lorenzo da Ponte
Set designer: Rolf Gérard
Costume designer: Rolf Gérard
World premiere: 22 Aug 1950, Ballet Rambert, King's Theatre
Work note: Holmes choreographed the dances in this production of Mozart's opera by the Glyndebourne Festival Opera. The programme does not name the ballet company; instead the credit reads: 'Ballet under the direction of Marie Rambert'. (The world premiere date shown on this record is for the choreography, not for the opera.) The performances of this opera alternated with those of the opera 'Ariadne aux Naxos' (Strauss), which incorporated the play 'Le bourgeois gentilhomme' (Moliere). Some of the Rambert dancers also appeared in the play as named characters.
Production note: In the programme, Rolf Gérard is credited as 'designer'.
Music title: Le nozze di Figaro (1786)
Music details: Live music: orchestra
Source: Programme in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0147


Date ↿↾ Programme ↿⇂ Venue ↿⇂
9 Sep 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
7 Sep 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
5 Sep 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
1 Sep 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
30 Aug 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
28 Aug 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
26 Aug 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
24 Aug 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera) King's Theatre, Edinburgh
22 Aug 1950
Le nozze di Figaro (dances in the opera)* King's Theatre, Edinburgh