Performance database

Choreographer: Martin Joyce
Costume designer: Stevie Stewart
Lighting designer: Malcolm Glanville
World premiere: 8 Jul 2005, Rambert Dance Company, Accademia Tedesca di Villa Massimo, Rome
Work note: First performed on 25 January 2005 as part of Rambert Dance Company's Workshop Season of New Choreography at The Place Theatre, London. The work was subsequently taken into the main repertoire, with the world premiere at the Invito alla Danza 2005 Festival, Rome.
Production note: In the programme, Stevie Stewart is credited as 'costume design' while Jennie and Eric Joyce are credited as donating the 'K' costumes for this piece. In the choreographic workshop programme, there is no listing for lighting designer. Malcolm Glanville is listed as lighting designer in the premiere programme.
Number of dancers: 2 dancers
Music title: Sonata No. 14 in C Sharp Minor, Opus 27 No. 2 ('Moonlight'): Third movement 'Presto'
Music details: Live music: piano
Music note: In the choreographic workshop programme, Rudolf Serkin is credited as 'music recorded by'. The music, when taken into the main repertoire, was then performed live on piano.
Sponsors: Supported by the Ashton/Bruce Commissioning Fund.
Source: Programme and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0434; CWSWORK/0179