Performance database

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Gustav Mahler
Set designer: Nadia Benois
Costume designer: Nadia Benois
World premiere: 19 Feb 1937, Ballet Rambert, Duchess Theatre, London
Work note: Ballet Rambert continued to perform the original version of 'Dark Elegies' rather than Tudor's revised version of 1940.
Production note: Nadia Benois is credited with 'costumes and scenery'.
Scene/role note: Scene 1: Laments of the Bereaved; Scene 2: Resignation
Revival credits: 1980 revival: Staged by Sally Gilmour and John Chesworth
1988 revival: Staged by John Chesworth and Sally Garbutt; Lighting designer: John B. Read
Music title: Kindertotenlieder (1904)
Music details: Live music: voice (baritone) and piano; on occasion accompanied by orchestra
Source: Programme and reference file in the Rambert Archive
Archive catalogue: WORK/0089