

Giselle Act 1

Choreographer: Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, Marius Petipa
Composer: Adolph Adam
Music note: Danced to live music


Albrecht (The Duke) David Paltenghi
The Prince Ronald Hynd
Wilfred (The Duke's Squire) Derek Westlake
Hilarion (A Gamekeeper) Alex Bennett
Bathilde (Daughter of the Prince and Fiancee of Albrecht) Angela Sparshott
Berthe (Giselle's mother) Ann Horn
Giselle (A Peasant Girl) Margaret Hill
Her Friend Mary Munro
Her Friend Josephine Spaull
Her Friend Margaret Pollen
Her Friend Audrey Brookes
Her Friend Pearl Gaden
Her Friend Shirley Rees
Her Friend Gillian Martlew
Her Friend Angela Brusa
Her Friend Anne Lyne
Her Friend June King
Her Friend Pauline Bashoff
One of Two Young Peasants Beryl Goldwyn
One of Two Young Peasants Cecil Bates
Courtier Jean Hartley
Courtier Hanna Moore
Courtier Norman Dixon
Courtier Terry Brown
Courtier Kenneth Smith
Conductor Geoffrey Corbett
Piano Reginald Halcrow

Soirée Musicale

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Gioacchino Rossini
Music note: Danced to live music


March Ensemble
Canzonetta Mary Munro
Canzonetta Norman Dixon
Tyrolese Beryl Goldwyn
Tyrolese Cecil Bates
Bolero Angela Sparshott
Bolero Audrey Brookes
Bolero Gillian Martlew
Tarantella Josephine Spaull
Tarantella Ronald Hynd
Conductor Geoffrey Corbett
Piano Reginald Halcrow

Scherzi della Sorte: Pranks of Fate

Choreographer: David Paltenghi
Composer: Claudio Monteverdi, Pietro Cesti
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


The Man Ronald Hynd
The Fortune Teller Angela Sparshott
The Knave Alex Bennett
The Queen Margaret Hill
The King David Paltenghi
Conductor Geoffrey Corbett
Piano Reginald Halcrow

Fate's Revenge

Choreographer: David Paltenghi
Composer: Peter Tranchell
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Ramrod, Master of Ceremonies (Assembly Rooms, Bath) David Paltenghi
Fate Margaret Pollen
Contention Ann Horn
Lady Wilhelmina Puff Margaret Hill
Lady Lofty Angela Sparshott
Lady Ratana Beryl Goldwyn
Servant Boy Shirley Rees
Military Gentleman Alex Bennett
Clerical Gentleman Ronald Hynd
Sporting Gentleman Derek Westlake
Beau Norman Dixon
Notable Lady Josephine Spaull
Notable Lady Mary Munro
Notable Lady Audrey Brookes
Notable Lady Gillian Martlew
Conductor Geoffrey Corbett
Piano Reginald Halcrow
Source: Programme for 21-23 May 1951 in the Rambert Archive