


Music note: Musical overture before the performance


Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Mary Peppin

Le Pas des Déesses

Choreographer: Keith Lester
Composer: César Pugni
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Juno Peggy van Praagh
Minerva Charlotte Bidmead
Minerva Celia Franca
Venus Sylvia Hayden
Paris David Paltenghi
Mercury Leo Kersley
Jupiter David Martin
Jupiter Peter Franklin-White
Attendant Charlotte Bidmead
Attendant Celia Franca
Attendant Monica Boam
Attendant Therese Langfield
Attendant Olivia Sarel
Attendant Helen Ashley
Attendant Pauline Clayden
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Mary Peppin
Performance note: The programme gives alternative dancers for some roles without specifying who danced at this performance: Bidmead or Franca as Minerva; Martin or Franklin-White as Jupiter; Bidmead or Franca as Attendant on Jupiter. All are listed here.

Piano Interlude

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Mary Peppin

Mephisto Valse

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Franz Liszt
Music note: Danced to live music


Marguerite Elisabeth Schooling
Marguerite Sally Gilmour
Mephisto David Paltenghi
Faust Frank Staff
Young Girl Charlotte Bidmead
Young Girl Celia Franca
Young Girl Helen Ashley
Young Man Leo Kersley
Young Man David Martin
Young Man Peter Franklin-White
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Mary Peppin
Performance note: Marguerite was danced by Elisabeth Schooling or Sally Gilmour
Source: Programme for 3-5 October 1940 in the Rambert Archive