


Music note: Musical overture before the performance


Piano Mary Peppin
Piano Geraldine Peppin

Judgment of Paris

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Kurt Weill
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Juno Therese Langfield
Venus Elisabeth Schooling
Minerva Charlotte Bidmead
Dancer David Paltenghi
Dancer Peter Franklin-White
Piano Mary Peppin
Piano Geraldine Peppin

Death and the Maiden

Choreographer: Andrée Howard
Composer: Franz Schubert
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Sally Gilmour
Dancer Frank Staff
Dancer Pauline Clayden
Dancer Monica Boam
Dancer Sylvia Hayden
Dancer Helen Ashley
Piano Mary Peppin
Piano Geraldine Peppin

Piano Interlude

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Mary Peppin
Piano Geraldine Peppin

Gala Performance

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Music note: Danced to live music


La Reine de la Danse (from Moscow) Peggy van Praagh
La Déesse de la Danse (from Milan) Sylvia Hayden
La Fille de Terpischore (from Paris) Elisabeth Schooling
Cavalier Frank Staff
Cavalier David Paltenghi
Cavalier Leo Kersley
Coryphée Celia Franca
Coryphée Monica Boam
Coryphée Charlotte Bidmead
Coryphée Pauline Clayden
Coryphée Olivia Sarel
Coryphée Helen Ashley
Conductor David Martin
Dresser Therese Langfield
Piano Mary Peppin
Piano Geraldine Peppin
Source: Programme for 30 September-2 October 1940 in the Rambert Archive