

God's Plenty

Choreographer: Christopher Bruce
Composer: Dominic Muldowney
Orchestra: London Musici


'Alas that ever love was sin' (The Wife of Bath)
Shaman Dance Paul Liburd
Shaman Dance Hope Muir
Couple Maria Sardon Urtiaga
Couple Matthew Hart
Couple Patricia Hines
Couple Conor O'Brien
Couple Deirdre Chapman
Couple David Hughes
Priest François Testory
Solo Conor O'Brien
The Trials of Constance (from The Man of Law's Tale)
Constance Didy Veldman
Man Branden Faulls
Man Paul Liburd
Man Laurent Cavanna
Man Rafael Bonachela
The Crusades
Solo ('I Sing For My Courage') Patricia Hines
One of Three Knights Laurent Cavanna
One of Three Knights Branden Faulls
One of Three Knights Christopher Powney
Salva Nos ('Save Us')/Miri It Is ('Merry It Is') Lucie Skeaping
Salva Nos ('Save Us')/Miri It Is ('Merry It Is') Ladies of the Company
Two war dances Glenn Wilkinson
Two war dances Jan de Schynkel
Two war dances Vincent Redmon
Two war dances Matthew Hart
Two war dances David Hughes
Two war dances Hope Muir
Two war dances Didy Veldman
Two war dances Rachel Poirier
Two war dances Ana Maria Luján Sánchez
Narrator Ian Knowles
Innkeeper Christopher Powney
Servant Deirdre Chapman
Servant Patricia Hines
Servant Ana Maria Luján Sánchez
Servant Rachel Poirier
Knight Jan De Schynkel
Squire Maria Sardon Urtiaga
Nun Marie-Laure Agrapart
Nun Elizabeth Old
Friar Matthew Hart
Monk Vincent Redmon
Cook Glenn Wilkinson
Wife of Bath Miranda Lind
Parson Laurent Cavanna
Miller Branden Faulls
Reeve Conor O'Brien
Summoner David Hughes
Pardoner Rafael Bonachela
One of Four Nuns Deirdre Chapman
One of Four Nuns Patricia Hines
One of Four Nuns Ana Maria Luján Sánchez
One of Four Nuns Rachel Poirier
The Knight’s Tale
Theseus Paul Liburd
Hippolyta Didy Veldman
Emily Angela Towler
Palamon Matthew Hart
Arcita Christopher Powney
Mourning Woman Marie-Laure Agrapart
Mourning Woman Deirdre Chapman
Mourning Woman Miranda Lind
Mourning Woman Hope Muir
Mourning Woman Elizabeth Old
Mourning Woman Rachel Poirier
The Wife of Bath’s Prologue
Wife of Bath Miranda Lind
Husband Conor O'Brien
Husband Laurent Cavanna
Husband Rafael Bonachela
Husband Glenn Wilkinson
Husband Branden Faulls
The Wife of Bath’s Tale
Knight Jan De Schynkel
Maiden/Crone Marie-Laure Agrapart
Gwynivere Elizabeth Old
Arthur Vincent Redmon
The Miller’s Tale
John the Carpenter Conor O'Brien
Alison Maria Sardon Urtiaga
Nicholas Matthew Hart
Absalon Branden Faulls
Go-between François Testory
All other parts played by Members of the Company
Conductor Paul Hoskins
Recorders, Shawms, Ethnic Flute, Bagpipes Keith Thompson
Oboe, Recorders, Shawm Joseph Sanders
Violin, Rebec Charles Mutter
Cello Ben Chappell
Oud, Saz, Lute, Guitar Forbes Henderson
Horn Kevin Elliott
Bass Trombone Paul Lambert
Synthesizer Stephen Lade
Percussion Robert Millett
Percussion Christopher Blundell
Singer Lucie Skeaping
Singer François Testory
Running time: Act I: 7.37pm-8.31pm; Act II: 8.53pm-9.19pm, 9.29pm-10.15pm
Performance note: A major technical error occurred at the end of the 'prisoner duet' in Act II, and the stage manager was forced to stop the show for 10 minutes to solve the problem.
Source: Cast sheet and stage manager's report for 23 November 1999 (evening) in the Rambert Archive