


Choreographer: Jean Coralli, Jules Perrot, Marius Petipa
Composer: Adolph Adam
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Albrecht (The Duke) Gerard Mulys
The Prince Michael Bayston
Wilfred (the Duke's Squire) Rex Reid
Hilarion (a Gamekeeper) Harry Cordwell
Bathilde (Daughter of the Prince and Fiancee of Albrecht) Daphne Gow
Berthe (Giselle's Mother) Marjorie Field
Giselle (a Peasant Girl) Sally Gilmour
Her Friend Margaret Scott
Her Friend Brenda Hamlyn
Her Friend Jean Stokes
Her Friend Paula Hinton
Her Friend Elizabeth Lillie
Her Friend Brenda Wright
Her Friend Sylvia Briar
Her Friend Pepita Pasley
Her Friend Katia Alfimova
Her Friend Jean Hardwick
Her Friend Bettina Child
Her Friend Pamela Vincent
Her Friend Peggy Ayers
Her Friend Mary Drage
Her Friend Eileen Ward
Her Friend Celina de Vries
Her Friend Josephine Spreckley
Her Friend Jane Innes
One of Two Young Peasants Annette Chappell
One of Two Young Peasants John Gilpin
Myrtha (Queen of the Wilis) Joyce Graeme
Zulme (a Wili) Margaret Scott
Moyne (a Wili) Sonia Arova
Wili Jean Stokes
Wili Paula Hinton
Wili Annette Chappell
Wili Barbara Grimes
Wili Brenda Wright
Wili Sylvia Briar
Wili Pepita Pasley
Wili Katia Alfimova
Wili Jean Hardwick
Wili Bettina Child
Wili Pamela Vincent
Wili Peggy Ayers
Wili Mary Drage
Wili Eileen Ward
Wili Celina de Vries
Wili Josephine Spreckley
Wili Jane Innes
Wili Elizabeth Lillie
Huntsman Stanley Newby
Huntsman David Ellis
Huntsman Ronald Hynd
Court Lady Barbara Grimes
Court Lady Pamela Slatter
Conductor Leighton Lucas
Orchestra Leader Harold Fairhurst

Peter and the Wolf

Choreographer: Frank Staff
Composer: Sergei Prokofiev
Music note: Danced to live music


Peter Lulu Dukes
Bird Annette Chappell
Duck Joan McClelland
Cat Sonia Arova
Grandfather David Ellis
Wolf Stanley Newby
Hunter Joyce Graeme
Hunter Margaret Scott
Hunter Barbara Grimes
Hunter Rex Reid
Narrator Guy Sheppard
Conductor Leighton Lucas
Orchestra Leader Harold Fairhurst
Source: Programme and publicity materials for 11 July 1946 (evening) in the Rambert Archive