

The Tales of Hoffmann (dances in the opera)

Choreographer: Frank Staff
Composer: Jacques Offenbach
Music note: Danced to live music


Paris Frank Staff
Belle Hélène Elisabeth Schooling
One of Three Fates Sara Luzita
One of Three Fates Pauline Clayden
One of Three Fates Margaret Scott
Spirit of Wine Peter Franklin-White
Spirit of Beer Robert Harrold
Waitresses The Company
Act III (Second part) – La Belle Hélène
On Mount Ida
Waltz Walter Gore
Waltz Peter Franklin-White
Waltz Robert Harrold
Waltz The Company
Judgment of Paris
Paris Frank Staff
Minerva Elisabeth Schooling
Juno Sally Gilmour
Venus Sara Luzita
Cupid Pauline Clayden
Cupid Sylvia Hayden
Cupid Mary Gornell
Cupid Brenda Hamlyn
Cupid Joan McClelland
Cupid Olivia Sarel
Cupid Margaret Scott
Cupid Marguerite Stewart
Cupid Rosemary Young
The Narrator Joan Tribe
Conductor Walter Susskind
Performance note: Dancers from Ballet Rambert performed in this production of Offenbach's opera by Albion Operas Limited. Ballet Rambert did not exist in 1942 and so is not named in the programme. Only the dancers (not the singers) are listed on this record.
Source: Programme for 15-20 June 1942 in the Rambert Archive