

If Love's a Sweet Passion (Purcell)

Music note: Musical prelude before the performance


Piano Charles Lynch
Piano Angus Morrison

The Alcina Suite (La Belle Assemblée from Vauxhall Gardens)

Choreographer: Andrée Howard
Composer: Henry Purcell, George Frideric Handel
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Alcina Maude Lloyd
Her Lover Antony Tudor
Her Lover Hugh Laing
Her Friend with Tambourine Elisabeth Schooling
Her Friend Susette Morfield
Her Friend Tamara Svetlova
Her Friend Joan Lendrum
Her Friend Ann Gee
Her Friend Jennifer Hare
Her Friend Florence Rawson
Her Friend Nora Whitworth
Her Friend David Macey
Her Friend John Andrewes
Singer Diana Mathias
Piano Charles Lynch
Piano Angus Morrison

Capriol Suite

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Peter Warlock
Music note: Danced to live music


Basse-Danse Andrée Howard
Basse-Danse Elisabeth Schooling
Basse-Danse Walter Gore
Basse-Danse Frank Staff
Pavane Diana Gould
Pavane Frederick Ashton
Pavane William Chappell
Tordion Andrée Howard
Tordion Walter Gore
Pieds-en-l'Air Diana Gould
Pieds-en-l'Air Pearl Argyle
Pieds-en-l'Air Frederick Ashton
Pieds-en-l'Air William Chappell
Mattachins Frederick Ashton
Mattachins William Chappell
Mattachins Walter Gore
Mattachins Frank Staff
Bransles Ensemble
Singer Diana Mathias
Piano Charles Lynch
Piano Angus Morrison

The Planets

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Gustav Holst
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Mortal born under Venus (The Lover) Pearl Argyle
Mortal born under Venus (The Lover) William Chappell
The Planet Maude Lloyd
Dancer Tamara Svetlova
Dancer Nan Hopkins
Dancer Joan Lendrum
Dancer Margot Hawkins
Mortal born under Mars (The Fighter) Hugh Laing
The Planet Diana Gould
Dancer Elisabeth Schooling
Dancer Susette Morfield
Dancer Peggy van Praagh
Dancer Isobel Reynolds
Mortal born under Neptune (The Mystic) Kyra Nijinsky
The Planet Antony Tudor
Dancer Nan Hopkins
Dancer Joan Lendrum
Piano Charles Lynch
Piano Angus Morrison

Foyer de Danse

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Lord Berners
Music note: Danced to live music


L'Etoile Alicia Markova
Le Maître de Ballet Frederick Ashton
Coryphée Andrée Howard
Coryphée Elisabeth Schooling
Coryphée Susette Morfield
Coryphée Aase Nissen
Coryphée Peggy van Praagh
Coryphée Mona Kimberley
Coryphée Tamara Svetlova
Un 'Abonné' Walter Gore
Piano Charles Lynch
Piano Angus Morrison
Performance note: The programme lists Kimberley or Svetlova as alternates in the role of a Coryphée without specifying who danced at this performance. Both are listed here.
Source: Programme for 28 October 1934 (evening) in the Rambert Archive