

Our Lady's Juggler

Choreographer: Susan Salaman, Andrée Howard
Composer: Ottorino Respighi
Music note: Danced to live music


Rustic Peggy van Praagh
Rustic Deborah Dering
Rustic Olivia Sarel
Rustic Anne Pearson
Rustic John Andrewes
Rustic Charles Boyd
A Cobbler Frank Staff
His Customer Elisabeth Schooling
A Lonely Lady Andrée Howard
Flower Seller Sally Gilmour
Flower Seller Deborah Dering
A Juggler Walter Gore
A Monk Leslie Edwards
Acolyte Daphne Gow
Acolyte Angela Dukes
Acolyte Helen Burdekin
Acolyte Helen Ashley
Acolyte Felicity Watt
The Madonna Susette Morfield
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists van Praagh or Dering as the main Rustic and Ashley or Watts as an Acolyte without specifying who danced at this performance. All are listed here.

Foyer de Danse

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Lord Berners
Music note: Danced to live music


L'Etoile Prudence Hyman
Le Maître de Ballet Walter Gore
Coryphée Andrée Howard
Coryphée Susette Morfield
Coryphée Peggy van Praagh
Coryphée Deborah Dering
Coryphée Sally Gilmour
Coryphée Olivia Sarel
Un Abonné John Andrewes
Piano Charles Lynch

Trio (Lachrymae)

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: John Dowland
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Elisabeth Schooling
Dancer Walter Gore
Dancer Frank Staff
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'


Choreographer: Andrée Howard
Composer: Francis Poulenc
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Peggy van Praagh
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

American Sailor

Choreographer: Léonide Massine
Composer: Georges Auric
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Walter Gore
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'


Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Andrée Howard
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

The Tartans

Choreographer: Frank Staff
Composer: William Boyce
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


The Lassie Elisabeth Schooling
A Laddie Frank Staff
A Laddie Charles Boyd
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

Soirée de Vienne, no. 6 (Schubert-Liszt)

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Charles Lynch

Les Masques (ou, Changement de Dames)

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Francis Poulenc
Music note: Danced to live music


A Personage Leslie Edwards
His Lady Friend Prudence Hyman
His Wife Elisabeth Schooling
Her Lover Walter Gore
One of Two Young Girls Peggy van Praagh
One of Two Young Girls Sally Gilmour
One of Three Ladies with Fans Daphne Gow
One of Three Ladies with Fans Angela Dukes
One of Three Ladies with Fans Felicity Watt
Piano Charles Lynch
Source: Programme for 16 January 1938 (evening) in the Rambert Archive