

A Florentine Picture

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Arcangelo Corelli
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Maude Lloyd
Dancer Tamara Svetlova
Dancer Nan Hopkins
Dancer Daphne Gow
Dancer Joan Lendrum
Dancer Ann Gee
Dancer Rose Paget
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

Constanza's Lament

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Domenico Scarlatti
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Maude Lloyd
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

American Sailor (from 'Les Matelots')

Choreographer: Léonide Massine
Composer: Georges Auric
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Walter Gore
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'


Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Andrée Howard
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

Le Rugby

Choreographer: Susan Salaman
Composer: Francis Poulenc
Music note: Danced to live music


The Player Walter Gore
His Fan Maude Lloyd
His Fan Elisabeth Schooling
His Fan Mona Kimberley
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'


Choreographer: Andrée Howard
Composer: Carl Maria von Weber
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


Cinderella Pearl Argyle
The Prince Frederick Ashton
Ugly Sister Andrée Howard
Ugly Sister Elisabeth Schooling
The Court Hairdresser Walter Gore
Fairy Godmother Susette Morfield
A Courtier Frank Staff
First Guest Maude Lloyd
First Guest Walter Gore
Other Guest Tamara Svetlova
Other Guest Joan Lendrum
Other Guest Nora Whitworth
Other Guest Ann Gee
Other Guest Leslie Edwards
Other Guest John Andrewes
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'

Bar aux Folies-Bergère

Choreographer: Ninette de Valois
Composer: Emanuel Chabrier
Music note: Danced to live music


La Goulue, étoile du Can-Can Alicia Markova
La Fille au Bar Pearl Argyle
Grille d'Égout Doris Sonne
Nini Patte en l'air Nan Hopkins
Hirondelle Tamara Svetlova
La Môme Fromage Ann Gee
Valentin, garçon Frederick Ashton
Habitués du Bar
Adolphe Frank Staff
Gustave Leslie Edwards
Le Vieux Marcheur Walter Gore
Servante Susette Morfield
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Divertissement'
Source: Typed sheet listing the cast from the programme for 6 January 1935 in the Rambert Archive