

The Empty Suit

Choreographer: Norman Morrice
Composer: Leonard Salzedo

L'Après-midi d'un faune

Choreographer: Vaslav Nijinsky
Composer: Claude Debussy

George Frideric

Choreographer: Christopher Bruce
Composer: George Frideric Handel


Choreographer: Christopher Bruce
Composer: Bob Downes
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to recorded music


Dancer Julia Blaikie
Dancer Jeremy Allen
Dancer Susan Cooper
Dancer Gideon Avrahami
Dancer Sandra Craig
Dancer Peter Curtis
Dancer Amanda Knott
Dancer Russell Dumas
Dancer Pietje Law
Dancer Dries Reyneke
Dancer Nicoline Nystrom
Dancer Joseph Scoglio
Dancer Marilyn Williams
Dancer Paul Taras
Dancer Mary Willis
Dancer Jonathan Taylor
Source: Cast sheet for 17 May 1971 (evening) in the Rambert Archive