

The Descent of Hebe

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Ernest Bloch
Music note: Danced to live music


Hebe Elisabeth Schooling
Mercury Hugh Laing
Night Maude Lloyd
Night Pamela Foster
Hercules Antony Tudor
Attendant on Jupiter Susette Morfield
Attendant on Jupiter Peggy van Praagh
Attendant on Jupiter Ann Gee
Attendant on Jupiter Olivia Sarel
Attendant on Jupiter Sally Gilmour
Attendant on Jupiter Deborah Dering
Attendant on Jupiter Beryl Kay
Attendant on Night Tamara Svetlova
Attendant on Night Daphne Gow
Attendant on Night Brigitte Kelly
Attendant on Night Angela Dukes
Attendant on Night Celia Franks
Attendant on Night Heather Brown
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists Lloyd or Foster as Night without specifying who danced at this performance. Both are listed here.

Mephisto Waltz

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Franz Liszt
Music note: Danced to live music


Marguerite Elisabeth Schooling
Mephisto Frederick Ashton
Mephisto Leslie Edwards
Faust Walter Gore
Faust Frank Staff
Young Girl Pamela Foster
Young Girl Peggy van Praagh
Young Girl Ann Gee
Young Girl Brigitte Kelly
Young Girl Celia Franks
Young Man John Byron
Young Man John Andrewes
Young Man Leo Kersley
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists Ashton or Edwards as Mephisto and Gore or Staff as Faust without specifying who danced at this performance. All are listed here.

Our Lady's Juggler

Choreographer: Susan Salaman, Andrée Howard
Composer: Ottorino Respighi
Music note: Danced to live music


Rustic Brigitte Kelly
Rustic Jennifer Hare
Rustic Olivia Sarel
Rustic John Andrewes
Rustic Leo Kersley
A Cobbler Frank Staff
A Cobbler John Byron
His Customer Elisabeth Schooling
A Lonely Lady Andrée Howard
Flower Seller Tamara Svetlova
Flower Seller Ann Gee
A Juggler Walter Gore
Juggler Hugh Laing
A Monk Antony Tudor
Acolyte Pamela Foster
Acolyte Daphne Gow
Acolyte Angela Dukes
Acolyte Deborah Dering
Virgin Susette Morfield
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists Staff or Byron as A Cobbler and Gore or Laing as A Juggler without specifying who danced at this performance. All are listed here.

Le Cricket

Choreographer: Susan Salaman
Composer: Arthur Benjamin
Music note: Danced to live music


Fielder Pamela Foster
Fielder Brigitte Kelly
Fielder Tamara Svetlova
Fielder Celia Franks
Batsman Frank Staff
Batsman John Byron
Bowler Leslie Edwards
Umpire John Andrewes
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists Svetlove or Franks as a Fielder and Staff or Byron as the Batsman without specifying who danced at this performance. All are listed here.

Dark Elegies

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Gustav Mahler
Premiere type: World premiere
Music note: Danced to live music


I Peggy van Praagh
I John Byron
I Daphne Gow
I Ann Gee
I Beryl Kay
I Patricia Clogstoun
I Celia Franks
II Maude Lloyd
II Antony Tudor
III Walter Gore
III Chorus
IV Agnes de Mille
V Hugh Laing
V Antony Tudor
V John Byron
V Chorus
Piano Charles Lynch
Singer Harold Child

Bar aux Folies-Bergère

Choreographer: Ninette de Valois
Composer: Emanuel Chabrier
Music note: Danced to live music


La Goulue, Étoile du Can-Can Maude Lloyd
La Fille au Bar Elisabeth Schooling
Grille d'Égout Pamela Foster
Hirondelle Peggy van Praagh
Nini Patte en l'air Tamara Svetlova
La Môme Fromage Ann Gee
Valentin, garçon Frederick Ashton
Valentin, garçon Walter Gore
Habitués du Bar
Adolphe Frank Staff
Adolphe John Andrewes
Gustave Leslie Edwards
Le Vieux Marcheur Antony Tudor
Le Vieux Marcheur Hugh Laing
Servante Susette Morfield
Piano Charles Lynch
Performance note: The programme lists Ashton or Gore as Valentin, Staff or Andrewes as Adolphe, and Tudor or Laing as Vieux Marcheur without specifying who danced at this performance. All are listed here.
Source: Programme for 8-27 February 1937 and publicity materials in the Rambert Archive