

Foyer de Danse

Choreographer: Frederick Ashton
Composer: Lord Berners
Music note: Danced to live music


L'Etoile Maude Lloyd
Le Maître de Ballet Frank Staff
Coryphée Andrée Howard
Coryphée Elisabeth Schooling
Coryphée Susette Morfield
Coryphée Tamara Svetlova
Coryphée Ann Gee
Coryphée Celia Franks
Coryphée Olivia Sarel
Coryphée Sally Gilmour
Coryphée Deborah Dering
Un Abonné James Moore
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

Musical Interlude

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

The Planets

Choreographer: Antony Tudor
Composer: Gustav Holst
Music note: Danced to live music


Mortal born under Venus Deborah Dering
Mortal born under Venus Leo Kersley
The Planet Elisabeth Schooling
Dancer Tamara Svetlova
Dancer Ann Gee
Dancer Daphne Gow
Dancer Angela Dukes
Mortal born under Mars Walter Gore
The Planet Angela Dukes
Dancer Susette Morfield
Dancer Olivia Sarel
Dancer Celia Franks
Dancer Sally Gilmour
Mortal born under Neptune Maude Lloyd
The Planet Daphne Gow
Dancer Tamara Svetlova
Dancer Angela Dukes
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow


Choreographer: Andrée Howard, Susan Salaman
Composer: Maurice Ravel
Music note: Danced to live music


The Mermaid Maude Lloyd
Attendant Tamara Svetlova
Attendant Ann Gee
Attendant Daphne Gow
Attendant Angela Dukes
Attendant Deborah Dering
The Prince Walter Gore
His Bride Andrée Howard
His Friend Tamara Svetlova
His Friend Ann Gee
His Friend Celia Franks
His Friend Frank Staff
His Friend Leo Kersley
His Friend Nicholas Hilliard
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

Musical Interlude

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

Le Cricket

Choreographer: Susan Salaman
Composer: Arthur Benjamin
Music note: Danced to live music


Fielder Ann Gee
Fielder Deborah Dering
Fielder Angela Dukes
The Batsman Frank Staff
The Bowler Leo Kersley
The Umpire Nicholas Hilliard
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Sporting Sketches'

Le Rugby

Choreographer: Susan Salaman
Composer: Francis Poulenc
Music note: Danced to live music


The Rugby Player Walter Gore
His 'Fan' Andrée Howard
His Fan Elisabeth Schooling
His Fan Sally Gilmour
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Sporting Sketches'

Le Boxing

Choreographer: Susan Salaman
Composer: Lord Berners
Music note: Danced to live music


The Sports Girl Celia Franks
The Trainer Leo Kersley
The Vamp de Luxe Maude Lloyd
The English Champion Frank Staff
The American Champion Walter Gore
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow
Performance note: Performed as part of 'Sporting Sketches'

Death and the Maiden

Choreographer: Andrée Howard
Composer: Franz Schubert
Music note: Danced to live music


Dancer Andrée Howard
Dancer Frank Staff
Dancer Tamara Svetlova
Dancer Ann Gee
Dancer Celia Franks
Dancer Sally Gilmour
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

Musical Interlude

Music note: Musical interlude between dances


Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow

Bar aux Folies-Bergère

Choreographer: Ninette de Valois
Composer: Emanuel Chabrier
Music note: Danced to live music


La Goulue, Étoile du Can-Can Maude Lloyd
La Fille au Bar Elisabeth Schooling
Grille d'Égout Tamara Svetlova
Hirondelle Ann Gee
Nini Patte en l'air Celia Franks
La Môme Fromage Patricia Clogstoun
La Môme Fromage Angela Dukes
Valentin, Garçon Walter Gore
Habitués du Bar
Adolphe Frank Staff
Gustave Leo Kersley
Le Vieux Marcheur Frank Staff
Servante Susette Morfield
Piano Angus Morrison
Piano Edwin Benbow
Performance note: The programme lists Clogstoun or Dukes as La Mome Fromage without specifying who danced at this performance. Both are listed here.
Source: Programme for 7-19 June 1937 and insert for 18-19 June in the Rambert Archive