

Light and Shade

Choreographer: Robert North
Composer: Igor Stravinsky

Pierrot Lunaire

Choreographer: Glen Tetley
Composer: Arnold Schoenberg


Choreographer: Richard Alston
Recording artist: The Ink Spots
Composer: Fred Fisher, Nelson Cogane, Sammy Mysels, Dick Robertson, Ben Oakland, Milton Drake, William Raskin, Billy Hill, George Gershwin, Jack Lawrence, Chu Berry, Eubie Blake
Premiere type: Rambert premiere
Music note: Danced to recorded music


Dancer Catherine Becque
Dancer Robert North
Dancer Michael Hodges
Dancer Robert Poole
Dancer Ian Stewart
Dancer Christopher Carney
Dancer Mary Evelyn
Dancer Siobhan Stanley
Dancer Frances Carty
Dancer Lucy Bethune
Dancer Diane Walker
Dancer Amanda Britton
Source: Programme, publicity materials, and stage manager's report for 26 July 1985 (evening) in the Rambert Archive