Performance database

Biography: Lighting designer


Paul Taylor, 1978/1982
Micha Bergese, 1979
Death and the Maiden
Robert North, 1980/1984
Don't Think About It
Miguel Altunaga, 2010
Dutiful Ducks
Richard Alston, 1982/1986
Richard Alston, 1982
Figures of Wind
Cliff Keuter, 1981
Intimate Pages
Christopher Bruce, 1984
Judgment of Paris
Antony Tudor, 1938/1940
The Kitchen Table
Bill Cratty, 1980/1982
L'Après-midi d'un faune
Vaslav Nijinsky, 1912/1931
Paper Sunday
Sally Owen, 1981
Rainbow Ripples
Richard Alston, 1980
Room to Dance
Cliff Keuter, 1981
See Me
Martin Joyce, Angela Towler, 2009
Merce Cunningham, 1953/1987
Christopher Bruce, 1979
Soda Lake
Richard Alston, 1981/1986
Songs of the Ghetto
Frances Carty, 1986
Two Solos as a Tribute to Norman Morrice
Mikaela Polley, Alexander Whitley, 2008
Unsuitable Case
Sally Owen, 1981
What Wild Ecstasy
Mark Baldwin, 2012