Performance Database


What is the Rambert Performance Database?
Rambert Performance Database is an interactive database providing access to nine decades of performance history. Created with support from the Heritage Lottery Fund, the Performance Database draws together a wealth of information about the company’s repertoire, performances, personnel, and tours.

The database has five interlinked areas: dance works, performances, people & companies, venues and a timeline. The first four can be searched via Search.

How many records does the Rambert Performance Database currently contain?

  • 458 dance works
  • 2,767 performances, including first-night casts for each dance work and all performances 2015-2017
  • 2,603 records about people (creative team, performers) and companies (orchestras, choirs, sponsors)
  • 5,825 role records, which link performers with their ‘role’ in a performance
  • 523 venue records
  • 98 years of events in the timeline

Over the summer, further performance records will be added so that the full scope of Rambert’s performances in the 21st century is available. The goal of this ambitious project is to catalogue every performance since 1926, but this will take several years to achieve.

On the list of performances, why is there an asterisk by some work titles?
The asterisk (*) shows that this was the dance work’s premiere, either a world premiere or a Rambert premiere.

What is the difference between a world premiere and a Rambert premiere?
If the dance work was created for Rambert, then Rambert performed the world premiere. An example is Ghost Dances (Bruce, 1981). If the dance work was made for another company and it entered the Rambert repertoire at a later date, this is considered a Rambert premiere. An example is Rooster (Bruce, 1991/1994).

What is the difference between a choreographic workshop performance and a world premiere by Rambert?
A number of dance works in the Rambert repertoire had their first performance at one of the company’s choreographic workshops. Often these works were developed before they were taken into the Rambert repertoire. Therefore, the first performance as part of the main repertoire is given as the world premiere date.

Do the Venue records list all Rambert’s tour dates?
The Venue records list all the tour dates we know about. The Rambert Archive has a master list of tours and other documentation, but these may not be complete. The archive does not have a complete run of programmes and cast sheets. If you have information about additional tour dates, we would be happy to add them to the record.

Further questions?
For more information, please contact Chris Jones, Manager, Rambert at 90 Project: .

Rambert gratefully acknowledges the invaluable contribution of the performance database volunteers: Alison, Alison, Amanda, Avril, Bridget, Ceri, Chelsea, Claire, Emily, Lucy, Mark, Mary, Matilda, Miguel, Paula, Regina, Roy, Shelagh, Violet, Zoe.

The Rambert Performance Database is part of Rambert at 90, a project marking the company’s 90th anniversary, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.