June Sandbrook and Jenny Kelly

June Sandbrook and Jenny Kelly talk about their time as Rambert dancers during the 1950s and 1960s.

June Sandbrook joined Rambert in 1955 and Jenny Kelly in 1956. In this interview, they share their memories of Rambert as a classical ballet company. They recall classes and rehearsals at the Mercury Theatre, a fierce Marie Rambert and her daughter Angela Ellis. Both were in the Company at a time when international tours were a regular occurrence, and they tell us about touring to China, Lebanon and performing at Jacob’s Pillow in the USA. June and Jenny also discuss performing in Rambert’s rich repertoire of classical works such as ‘Dark Elegies’ (Tudor, 1937), ‘Simple Symphony’ (Gore, 1944), ‘Giselle’ (Coralli/Perrot/Petipa, 1884/1946/1965) and ‘Les Sylphides’ (Fokine, 1909/1930), as well as the newer works created by Norman Morrice in the late 1950s and early 1960s.

00:05:02 Mercury Theatre
00:06:44 Marie Rambert
00:15:06 Tour of China, 1957
00:21:40 Lebanon Baalbeck Festival
00:27: 05 Norman Morrice
00:31:04 Jacob’s Pillow Dance Festival, 1959
00:34:08 ‘Dark Elegies’ (Tudor, 1937)

Interview recorded on 29 September 2017 at Rambert, London.
Interviewer: Claire Izzard; Filmmaker: Paul Izzard

The Rambert Voices oral history project is part of Rambert at 90, a project marking the company’s 90th anniversary, supported by the Heritage Lottery Fund.