Professional Community

Welcome to The Playground

Once a month, professional artists from all backgrounds visit our Rambert Studios to explore, create, collaborate and play.

The Playground is a creative platform providing a safe space to play with ideas and interact with other artists. Would you like to dance, observe, create images, play music, discuss and collaborate? Then come and join The Playground Community. We aim to build a creative and playful environment which is representative of the diverse artistic community in London.

It’s a free monthly event supported and held at the Rambert building, one Friday a month from 6:30pm – 9pm. Sign up with the link to the right or contact us at

The Playground is the initiative of Rambert dancer Simone Damberg Würtz, and is run by The Playground Τeam which consists of Simone alongside former Rambert dancer Julia Gillespie.

Follow The Playground on Facebook & Instagram
Check out our YouTube channel for inspiration

The Playground launched on Friday 10 November 2017 by Rambert dancers Simone Damberg Würtz and Nancy Nerantzi and former Rambert dancer Julia Gillespie.

Photo by Deborah Jaffe