a black and white photo of a woman with long hair.

Lauren Bravo & Naya Lovell S2E3

42 mins

Dancer Naya speaks with Super Human guest, writer, journalist and unashamed clothes fanatic, Lauren Bravo.

Lauren’s latest book ‘How to Break Up with Fast Fashion’ was top of our Rambert book club last year, and inspired many of us to shop more sustainably and fall back in love with the wardrobe we already have. So we were massively excited to get her onto the podcast.

There’s a lot to unpack in this chat about our relationship with clothes and the cost that comes with it – but Lauren covers it all in a way that’s so compassionate, honest, and even self deprecating.

From the impact to the environment, sexism in the industry, greenwashing, and where does the buck actually stop? Plus some really useful tips and recourses on how to overhaul your habits, what to look for when you shop, and ultimately, break up with the toxic relationship that is fast fashion.