a man standing in a room with a ball on the floor.

Low Intensity: Caribbean – Learn the Folk Dance Bélé with Paradigmz

42 mins

CARIBBEAN: Trinidad & Tobago is known for its amazing Carnival that happens every year. But Paradigmz will be teaching you Bélé, a folk dance and music from Martinique, St. Lucia, Dominica, Haiti, Grenada, Guadeloupe, and Trinidad and Tobago. It may be the oldest Creole dance of the creole French West Indian Islands, and it strongly reflects influences from African fertility dances. Try something new today.

Class musician – Domenico Angarano

Director – Daniel Löwenstein of House of Create Films
Camera operator – Kyle Stevenson
Sound recordist – Jimi Howell
Editor – Lucas Reid | Carl Russ Mohl Muphovi