a group of people standing in a dance studio.

Contemporary for GCSE Dance with Liam, class 3

45 mins

This technique class for GCSE dance students focuses on suspension, inversions, how we use gravity to build momentum, contact and relationship with the floor. With Rambert’s Liam Francis you’ll explore serious play while developing upon all these technical skills. These classes will support the performance element of GCSE Dance. If you enjoy Liam’s class, check out his workout playlist.

Class musician – Simone Sistarelli
Class assistants – Miguel Altunaga and Hannah Rudd

DoP – Tom Walder | Dan Löwenstein | Matt Perren
Director – Daniel Löwenstein
Assistant director – Kyle Stevenson
Camera operators – Tom Walder | Matt Peren | Max Edmed | Liam Smith
Sound recordists – Ben Turnball | Liam Cromby
Editor – Lucas Reid