Make It Yours

Why: Artistic Statement Mindmap

An artist statement template with a pink background.

Find Your Why

It can be helpful to keep a record of core ideas and values to refer back to throughout the creative process. This aids motivation and promotes an artistically satisfying process.

Using the Artist Statement Mindmap below, students will identify their reasons for creating a piece of choreography, relate it to their personal motivations, and summarise it in a mission statement they can refer to throughout the creative process. Students may wish to complete the below template multiple times as they work on their choreography and as their ideas evolve.

Instructions for Students:

Fill in as many blanks as you can in the mindmap below. You can use words, drawings, or even video or record your thoughts if it’s difficult to express them in words.

When you’re done, read/listen/watch your work and underline interesting words or ideas

Create an Artist Statement about your work by filling in the blanks below:

I am making a piece about __________ for _________ because ________.

This piece will address this question: ______________________________.

Use this Artist Statement as a guide for all the decisions you make about this piece, to make sure that you are creating a piece that you really want to make.

If you like, you can share the statement with a friend, teacher or peer so that they can help you stay accountable to your artistic intentions.

The Statement may need to change as you and your piece evolve.