AQA Set works

A Linha Curva: Lesson 7

Teacher Notes

Lesson 7- Movement Content and Styles

You don’t need to know every section of the dance; you need to have good knowledge on at least 3-4 sections to take into the exam. We have focused on 3, but if you rather do less or add more, its entirely up to you. You can look at the Movement Content Breakdown here if you wish to adapt.

Learning Objective: To learn and understand the movement content and styles of movement in A Linha Curva and how it contributes to the themes of the work.

Success Criteria:

ALL: To understand the key styles used in A Linha Curva.

Most: To understand how to discuss the movement content in section 1 of A Linha Curva, specifically using the terms action, space, dynamics, choreographic devices and relationship content.

Some: To be able to discuss how the movement content in section 1 and the styles in A Linha Curva contribute to the overall effectiveness of the piece and the key themes.


Presentation (Download from above)

Key Words on Movement Content for 2nd Task found here.